Sunday 16th June 2024

    From the Editor's Desk

    You are your body: here’s how to feel more at home in it | Psyche Ideas

    is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in The Economist and on the BBC. Her interests range from business to science and health, with a particular focus on mental health and human rights. Her work has won a number of awards, and she is involved in training others and facilitating networking. She lives in Johannesburg, South Africa.

    Imagine looking in the mirror of a clothing store changing room, wearing something that doesn’t quite fit. As you tug at the jeans, your thoughts pull at ideas about what your body should be. Or picture yourself hunched at your office desk for hours on end. Your body is crying out to stretch and move, but you suppress the discomfort and press on. In both scenarios – and many others – you’re talking to yourself about your body as if it’s something separate from ‘you’. So many of us today carry on in this way – ignoring the deep connection between mind and body.

    Continued here

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