Sunday 16th June 2024

    From the Editor's Desk

    ‘Elden Ring’ DLC Drops Tantalizing New Details Only Lore Weirdos Will Understand

    There’s no DLC as exciting as From Software DLC. The Dark Souls developer already has an outstanding track record of releasing some of the most beloved games of the past few decades, but just as impressive is its ability to improve on what seemed like perfection with its expansions. We won’t know if Shadow of the Erdtree, the upcoming Elden Ring DLC, holds up against the likes of Bloodborne’s acclaimed The Old Hunters, but based on its latest trailer, we know it’s gonna be brutal and it’s gonna be weird.

    So far, we’ve seen quite a bit of the lore of Shadow of the Erdtree, but little gameplay. The latest trailer continues that trend, focusing entirely on story told through pre-rendered cutscenes. This being a From Software game, the trailer doesn’t come right out and say too much, instead hiding its meaning in oblique references, but for players who are already well-versed in the history of Elden Ring’s world, there’s a lot to chew on.

    Continued here

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