Monday 20th May 2024

    From the Editor's Desk

    Fewer Workers Expect to Retire Past 62, Reaching a New Low

    In the years before the pandemic, Americans said the likelihood of them working full time past age 62 averaged 54.6 percent. But in the four years since, there's been a "persistent decline," dropping to an average of 49.4 percent, according to a new analysis from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, based on data from the triannual Labor Market Survey. In March 2024, the average likelihood reached a new series low of 45.8 percent.

    This new data seems to contrast with the growing older workforce evident in today's labor market. The share of Americans still working at 65 or older nearly doubled in the 35 years leading up to 2023, according to a report from the Pew Research Center. In fact, after leaving the workforce during the pandemic, many retirees ended up returning to work.

    Continued here

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