Monday 20th May 2024

    From the Editor's Desk

    It’s Not a Rap Beef. It’s a Cultural Reckoning.

    Scapegoating is one of humankind's primal rituals, dating back to the Book of Leviticus, in which God commanded the prophet Aaron to lay hands on a goat, confess the sins of his tribe, and then send the animal into the desert. Throughout centuries and across cultures, the historian René Girard once argued, warring factions have settled disputes by agreeing upon a figure to collectively blame—a resolution that is ugly and unfair but, more than anything, cathartic.Perhaps this tradition helps explain what's been so satisfying about watching two of the 21st century's most important musicians, Drake and Kendrick Lamar, try to destroy each other. The rap feud that has engulfed public attention in recent weeks has been litigated in breathtaking, twisty-turny songs packed with very 2020s references—to Ozempic, disinformation, AI, Taylor Swift, and elite pedophile rings. These two superstars have leveled accusations so nasty that cancellation, today's standard punishment for celebrity wrongdoing, hardly seems sufficient. Thus far, the consensus is that Lamar has "won" the war—but in that case, Drake's defeat is really what's significant. We're witnessing the modern implementation of an ancient rite, the desecration of an individual for the moral cleansing of the masses.

    Continued here

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