Friday 17th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    Hack to the future: How to conquer your “projection bias”

    Evelyn went car shopping on a sunny summer day and drove off the lot in a new convertible. Sure, the payments were more than she had budgeted for, but the condition was mint, and it was nice to feel the wind in her hair. Thing is, Evelyn lives in Seattle, and these days, she’s not even sure the soft top still retracts.

    Then there’s Nathan. Every month, he promises himself he’ll eat better, so he stocks up on salad at the grocery store while allowing himself just one bag of pretzels (for the odd cheat day). One week later, he’s throwing away an empty pretzel bag alongside a pound of wilted greens.

    Continued here

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