Sunday 12th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    2 Words Explain Why Netflix Just Announced an Unexpected and Controversial Change

    This week, Netflix reported its first-quarter earnings. The numbers were basically good, but the real news came as Netflix told investors it was planning to make an unexpected and somewhat controversial change: It will no longer disclose how many subscribers it has starting in 2025.

    To put that in context, subscriber growth has always been the way to measure a streaming service, mostly because it was the way streaming services wanted to be measured. For years, they focused on how many new people were signing up for their service, even if they weren't yet making a profit. Making content is expensive, but as long as you can get more people to pay to watch the content, you'll be fine. Or, at least, that's the argument.

    Continued here

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