Monday 6th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    Love Your Job or Leave It? Maybe There's Another Way

    But what can we do if we feel our job lacks meaning? Jiang suggests taking a step back and reflecting on what's causing this disconnect from your work and why it no longer feels fulfilling. Is it some shift at work, like an organisational restructuring or a change in leadership that has altered the nature of your work? Or is it something that has changed in yourself or your personal life? 

    Once you understand what has brought about the loss of meaning, you can explore whether there are ways to bring the meaning back, for example, by moving to a different team. You may consider engaging in job crafting – such as adjusting tasks, choosing to work with certain colleagues or changing how you view the overall meaning of your work. 

    Continued here

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