Monday 6th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    10 Best Cold-Brew Coffee Makers (2024): Oxo, KitchenAid, and More

    Cold-brew makers aren't like coffee machines. They don't push steam through a tight puck of coffee grounds or heat water to drip over them. Most cold-brew makers are simple devices, and that's because cold-brewing coffee is a deceptively simple process. We don't actually need a cold-brew maker to do much. We don't want it to do much. It should stand back and let the water take its time to gently coax the subtlest, sweetest flavors out of your grounds. It's just coffee plus water plus patience. So during testing, we have to pay close attention to what the cold-brew maker does, and doesn't do.

    I test a lot of devices for making coffee, and in my opinion, testing cold-brew makers is probably the trickiest. When something goes wrong with a batch of cold brew it's not always obvious what the cause is. It can be as subtle as an off flavor or a few too many dregs at the bottom of a cup. Sometimes it's even something else in your fridge that adds a weird flavor. That's why we test so thoroughly and really put these products through the ringer.

    Continued here

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