Monday 6th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    The TikTok Ultimatum Is Here. What Does It Mean?

    This might be the end of TikTok. President Joe Biden signed a bill this week which allows the US government to ban the platform if TikTok doesn't divest from its China-based owner, ByteDance, within a year. Today on the show, we're going to talk about what happens to TikTok now and how this new law affects the politicians and influencers who use the app.

    Leah Feiger is @LeahFeiger. Makena Kelly is @kellymakena. Tori Elliott is @Telliotter. Write to us at Our show is produced by produced by Jake Harper. Jake Lummus is our studio engineer and Amar Lal mixed this episode. Jordan Bell is the Executive Producer of Audio Development and Chris Bannon is Global Head of Audio at Condé Nast.

    Continued here

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