Monday 6th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    A Democrat’s Case for Saving Mike Johnson

    If Speaker Mike Johnson keeps his job, it'll be Democrats who save him. Like his predecessor, Kevin McCarthy, the Louisiana conservative is facing an attempted ouster after he defied Republican hard-liners by relying on Democratic support to pass a funding bill—$61 billion for Ukraine, in this case—they hated.Democrats helped boot McCarthy six months ago, but now several of them say they'll rescue Johnson. Just three Republicans have signed on to the effort to depose Johnson, so the speaker might be able to survive with only a small Democratic contingent backing him. On the surface, the willingness of any Democrat to stand with Johnson might seem curious; he's both more conservative than McCarthy and more loyal to Donald Trump. So why are some Democrats who voted to end McCarthy's speakership planning to salvage Johnson's?

    Continued here

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