Sunday 5th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    Impact investing in Paris suburban ‘banlieue’ neighbourhoods: untapped social and economic potential

    From July to August, Paris will host the 2024 Olympic games. However, once the athletes and spectators have packed up and left, the Games will leave behind a lasting social impact on the run-down neighbourhoods on the outskirts of the French capital.

    These neighbourhoods, known as banlieues, are benefiting from a surge in investment in Games-related infrastructure. The Olympic Village to house athletes, for example, will be located in the working-class area of Saint-Ouen. After the Games, the buildings will be converted into residences for around 6,000 people and offices for another 6,000 workers. This could provide a much-needed lifeline for the neighbourhood.

    Continued here

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