Saturday 4th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    Why the 2024 hurricane season could be especially active - Environment (No paywall)

    Although it is too early for any models to offer an official prediction—the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) won’t be issuing a forecast until May 23—experts who spoke with National Geographic warned that warm sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic and the development of a La Niña in the Pacific may create a “perfect storm” of the conditions needed for major hurricanes.

    Alex DaSilva, lead hurricane forecaster with AccuWeather, explains that wind shear occurs when wind changes direction and speed at different heights in the atmosphere. That affects tropical cyclones, he says, because such storms “like their cloud structures to go straight up into the atmosphere. But when there's a lot of wind shear, when there are changing winds with direction and height, they essentially knock over those clouds so they cannot grow straight up. And so that kind of prevents typically tropical systems from really intensifying.”

    Continued here

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