Saturday 4th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    In a Memo to Employees, Delta’s CEO Announced They Were Getting Raises. These 5 Words Stuck Out

    This week, Delta's CEO, Ed Bastian, sent a memo to employees, announcing that they would be getting a five percent raise. I guess if you're going to get a memo from the CEO of your company, this seems like the one you want. After all, everyone likes getting a raise.

    This, in fact, is--according to Delta--the third year in a row that the airline has given employees a raise, and is separate from the $1.4 Billion the company handed out in profit sharing. That's impressive, but there was something about the memo that stuck out to me, however. To be more precise, there were five words that caught my attention because they serve as a powerful lesson for every leader. See if you can spot them in this excerpt from the memo:

    Continued here

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