Saturday 4th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    'Metaphor: ReFantazio' Steals the Best Ideas From 'Persona 5'

    When it came time to make Metaphor: ReFantazio, developer Atlus had a guiding principle: make a video game that was a culmination of all the beloved RPGs the company had made before it. "We decided to challenge the fantasy genre," director Katsura Hashino said this week during an online demo of the game. Atlus has been making games for some 35 years, and it wanted to pull together an all-star team to commemorate the anniversary.

    Hashino has been instrumental throughout the Persona series; following Persona 5's release, he moved away from P-Studio—the team working on Persona games—to start Studio Zero, another internal Atlus group. For Metaphor, Studio Zero brought in Persona character artist Shigenori Soejima and longtime composer Shoji Meguro. They also brought in guest developers Koda Kazuma, concept artist for NieR:Automata, and Ikuto Yamashita, one of the artists behind the beloved anime Neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Continued here

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