Monday 6th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    ‘Fortnite’ Won’t Be Getting ‘Metroid’ Skins Thanks to One Nintendo Demand

    Given how much of pop culture Fortnite has absorbed into its rainbow-colored battle royale over the past few years, it may seem odd that none of Nintendo’s iconic characters have appeared to do battle with the likes of Goku and Ariana Grande. As court documents from Epic Games’ lawsuit with Apple revealed, Epic Games did have plans to bring Metroid heroine Samus Aran to the game, and now we know why that collaboration never happened.

    Nintendo would have agreed to have Metroid in Fortnite, but only if the bounty hunter was made exclusive to the Nintendo Switch version of the game, Donald Mustard, former Epic CCO, told Game File in April.

    Continued here

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