Monday 6th May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    The Chiron effect: Are “wounded healers” better healers?

    Bret broke up with his long-term girlfriend. He’s lonely and cries more often than anyone knows. Stuck in a dark place, he picks up the phone and messages Anth. Anth isn’t a close friend, but Bret picked him over his dad, his brother, and his best friend is because Anth went through a brutal divorce last year. He knows what this pain feels like.

    Ellen has just been told she has breast cancer. The doctor, though young, is friendly and says all the right things, but she still wants to scream in his face. He gives Ellen a leaflet. It has undoubtedly passed eight rounds of medically rigorous editing, but she throws it in the bin after one read. Later, a nurse says to her, “Oh, I had breast cancer five years ago. All clear now.” And Ellen looks up. Suddenly, she wants to know everything this nurse has to say.

    Continued here

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