Thursday 2nd May 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    No, the ‘Fallout’ Show Didn’t Just Erase the Best Game in the Series

    Amazon’s Fallout TV show has been a huge hit with viewers, but some key moments in the series have fans of the games scratching their heads. The fate of the Brotherhood of Steel airship and the city of Shady Sands in the show are raising so many questions about the canon of Fallout as a whole that Bethesda Game Studios director Todd Howard has stepped in to clarify the show’s place in series lore. And while his statement might lay to rest fears of one of the most beloved Fallout games being erased from the timeline, the conversation raises a much bigger question — why do we care so much about canon anyway?

    The Fallout canon kerfuffle revolves around two moments in the new show. At one point, viewers see a massive airship belonging to the Brotherhood of Steel, which internet sleuths have discovered is called the Prydwen. That’s led some to believe that one of Fallout 4’s possible four endings has been declared the true ending, since several of them involve destroying the Prydwen.

    Continued here

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