Friday 26th April 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    The Creator Economy Needs a Middle Class

    Right now, the creative economy on platforms like YouTube and Instagram looks a lot like the U.S. economy - there are a few big winners and a lot of people hustling to make a living and barely getting by. But it doesn't have to be like this. Platforms can be - and sometimes are - the new vehicles for the American Dream, offering a stable, middle-class income and the promise of upward mobility. Fulfill that potential, however, is a choice: Platforms can decide how they dole out exposure and rewards, and whether they broaden users' exposure or create filter bubbles with rigid hierarchies. The author recommends 10 policies platforms can adopt to broaden opportunity: 1) focus on content types with lower replay value, 2) serve heterogeneity in user preferences & empower niche, 3) recommend content algorithmically with an element of randomness, 4) facilitate collabs and community, 5) provide capital investment to up-and-coming creators, 6) decouple creator payouts from audience demographic, 7) allow creators to capitalize on superfans, 8) create passive (or almost-passive) income opportunities for creators, 9) offer a form of Universal Creative Income (UCI), and 10) provide creator education and training.

    Continued here

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