Friday 26th April 2024

    Which countries get the most sleep - and how much do we really need?

    Do you lie awake at night worrying you're not getting enough sleep? You're not alone - some countries are in the middle of a sleeplessness epidemic which has the potential to damage people's health and productivity.

    Among the most rested countries surveyed by Sleep Cycle, an app that tracks how much shuteye people are getting, New Zealand comes top with the average Kiwi clocking up in excess of 7.5 hours per night. Finland, the Netherlands, Australia, the UK and Belgium all rank highly for sleep, too, with Ireland close behind.

    But not all developed economies rest well; South Korea and Japan are the world's worst countries when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. The problem of sleeplessness in Japan is well-documented, particularly in relation to the phenomenon of karoshi - death caused by lack of sleep.

    Continued here

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