Saturday 27th April 2024

    The Art Of High-Value Productivity: Three Lessons From Woody Allen

    As the productivity guru, Cal Newport - the best selling author of deep work - suggests, if we are to go high on the ladder of achievement we have to consistently produce high-value results.

    Producing-high value results require that in our lists, we give the priorities to the items that end up producing a valuable and precious outcome.

    If you are an academic person, it would mean that you spend most of the time deeply devouring academic papers and reflecting on them.

    If you are a writer, it means that you must designate the majority of your time writing (instead of getting wrapped up with the trivialities such as growing your twitter account).

    Woody Allen is a shining embodiment of high-value productivity. He has written and directed 44 movies in 44 years and has earned 23 Academy Award nominations along the way. So let’s explore what we can learn from him.

    Continued here

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