Tuesday 16th April 2024

    This is why you should not be the CEO - Seyi Fabode

    You shouldn't be CEO if the title matters more to you than serving your employees and team everyday. And I do not mean that BS 'servant leader' stuff. I mean understanding that you have taken on the responsibility of feeding the people you have convinced to join your team. And as much as that thought of failing all these people you have convinced to help you do the work petrifies you, it drives you to sweat for them everyday.
    You shouldn't be CEO if you get into the office in the morning and you're not quite sure what you should be working on today because no one has actually assigned you a task. Your work starts when you wake up. I don't suggest you grab your phone the minute you wake up. I'm suggesting your mission should be clear and things that do not move you closer to that vision should not distract. The mission prioritizes things for you.

    Continued here

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