Thursday 25th April 2024

    To perform at your best, focus on Goals, not Tasks!- Paul Adams

    A common mistake we all make is that we slip into writing tasks instead of goals. This is bad. So what's the difference? For me, there is one main thing: Goals are strategic and aspirational, whereas tasks are tactical and will likely happen anyway. Goals are progress oriented, not event oriented. Because of this, goals tend to have much higher impact over time for people. I have more tasks than I know what to do with, but addressing all these tasks would simply result in me being very busy, but having very low impact. Here are three examples of bad weekly goals, and alternatives- Goal: Present the new approval process at the All Hands- The All Hands is happening, and presenting at it might lead to little value to attendees. This is a task. A good goal gets at the longer term benefit of presenting. A better version might be: 'Ensure everyone in the team understands the new approval process by the end of the week'. This is aspirational and extends beyond the task of presenting at the all hands.

    Continued here

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