Tuesday 16th April 2024

    Preparing for Giving and Receiving Feedback: A Guide to Doing it Right- Marty Kaplan

    I ought to know better by now...for what it's worth I've got a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from a well-recognized institution, I've been teaching this stuff for decades, and I'm thought of as a straight shooter, yet I've screwed up giving people feedback every which way. And I've instinctively recoiled when given negative feedback. And worse yet, I've sloughed off appreciative feedback and missed chances to feel really good about myself. I figure all this is what qualifies me as an expert and gives me the credibility to tell you how to do it right...or at least how not to screw it up. So here goes, in three parts. But first, I'd be remiss if I didn't say something about why feedback is so important.

    Continued here

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