Saturday 20th April 2024

    This Company Retains 95% of Its Employees - Here's Its Secret

    When people join Location Labs, they stay. The company boasts a 95% employee retention rate, and has never laid off an employee. So what's the secret? Hire promising people - who are in it for the right reasons, not the biggest compensation package - then toss them into the deep end. "I made plenty of mistakes along the way, but it's a place that understands that and appreciates that," says COO Joel Grossman. In this exclusive interview, Grossman describes what a high-retention culture looks like, and how to build one from scratch. He shares the tactics founders can use even before they start interviewing to boost their retention - and he explains why taking the time to figure out your company's personality, and communicate it candidly at every turn, is the single best investment you can make in your future. More here

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