Tuesday 23rd April 2024

    Why your API may be a better investment than your app!

    We are spending more time in apps, but doing so roughly in the same apps. We may have reached 'peak' app! If you are planning to launch an app, think again! Apps today are like boutique stores - each one striving to be unique, creative, bespoke, and memorable. And while many of us enjoy the boutique experience, it's pretty clear they are dying while companies like Amazon thrive. Time has simply become too precious for the average person to spend all but a small amount of it outside their routine. During the mobile honeymoon we could justify that time as entertainment value, but the novelty is wearing thin. Apps like Facebook, Instagram, Slack, Twitter, Snapchat, and Messenger will continue to gobble up our time like Walmart gobbled up our local stores. You can try to fight them, but your time is better spent discovering ways to get on their shelves. Ask yourself: do I want to compete against supermarkets, or do I want to become their best selling product?" Building an API may be a better idea than building an app. More here..

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