Saturday 20th April 2024

    We aren't built to live in the moment

    So apparently we aren't built to live in the moment! According to this NYTimes piece, what best distinguishes our human species is an ability that scientists are just beginning to appreciate: We contemplate the future. Our singular foresight created civilization and sustains society. It usually lifts our spirits, but it's also the source of most depression and anxiety. Behaviorists thought of animal learning as the ingraining of habit by repetition. Psychoanalysts believed that treating patients was a matter of unearthing and confronting the past. Even when cognitive psychology emerged, it focused on the past and present - on memory and perception. But it is increasingly clear that the mind is mainly drawn to the future, not driven by the past. Behavior, memory and perception can't be understood without appreciating the central role of prospection. We learn not by storing static records but by continually retouching memories and imagining future possibilities. More here

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