Thursday 25th April 2024

    Is the fear of public speaking limiting your career?

    The reason why we fear public speaking, is natural and deeply-embedded. Our brains are three to four times more likely to see a threat than a reward, says Gary Luffman, an Occupational psychologist. "So when faced with a group of people you don't know... We move to threat mode". Our brain then slips into "fight or flight" mode. When this happens, adrenaline is released into the body and the heart-rate increases - great if you want to run or fight, but if standing still this excess energy injection can constrict your throat and lead to blushing and sweating. Preparation is the secret of speaking success, says Luffman. Rather than learning your entire script verbatim, he recommends only memorising your opening two or three sentences, or first few minutes, so that you get off to a good start. After which, use cue-cards or slides to move through the subsequent stages of your presentation. More here

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