Tuesday 23rd April 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    Feel free to stop striving: learn to relish being an amateur

    The soundtrack of our lives is the sound of striving. Psychologists, philosophers and behavioural scientists are all coaxing us to strive with variations of the same loop: strive for accomplishment, strive for prosperity, and strive for happiness. We must act fast and slow, or think big and small; be calm, be on edge, eat more, eat less, dance more and sleep more, want more - or less; practise for 10,000 hours or don't practise at all; be deliberate, habitual, and intuitive, or just simply Zen out to zero.

    Naturally, we all want to optimise our ways of being. But every once in a while, and for every one of our aspirations, there's a contrarian voice screaming: Enough already! Can't we stop succeeding for just one moment? Cease trying to be exceptional at something? The answer is yes, but to do so you must embrace your inner amateur.

    Continued here

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    Emeritus: PG Diploma in Digital Business by Emeritus | Accepting Applications - Starts on June 30, 2021

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