Tuesday 16th April 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    How to excel at the moments that matter in life: Think like an actor

    From job interviews to eulogies and pitch meetings, our lives are full of interpersonal interactions where we need to be our very best. Amy and Michael Port, actors and speaking coaches, share three basic acting techniques to help you raise your game for the times that really count.

    When was the last time you performed? Was it in a college play? A middle school talent show? Karaoke with your coworkers? Or was it the time you met with your supervisor to negotiate a salary increase?

    While that last question may not seem to belong with the others, it does to Michael and Amy Port, two trained actors turned speaking coaches. Most of us need to perform all the time, even if we don't see ourselves as performers, they say in a TEDxCambridge talk. "In our personal and professional lives, we're called upon to make toasts, give eulogies, nail a job interview, or win a negotiation, and they're all high-stakes situations," says Michael.

    One way that we can help ourselves excel in these situations is by thinking like a professional performer - i.e., an actor. "Just as actors use techniques on the stage to create a believable reality, non-actors can use the same techniques off the stage to create a reality of their choosing," says Michael.

    Continued here

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