Wednesday 24th April 2024

    TradeBriefs Editorial

    From the Editor's Desk

    The Art of Blooming Late

    Mozart was a celestial genius, but he struggled like a mere mortal during his teens and early twenties. Though already a prolific composer, he had to work as an organist and concertmaster in his native Salzburg to make ends meet. Underpaid, unfulfilled, and hemmed in by his frustratingly average gigs, he felt a burning desire to devote more time and energy to his art. So after a period of doubt and deliberation, that's exactly what he did. He quit his job, set up shop in Vienna, and embarked on what turned out to be the most productive and creative period of his life.

    Even if you never hope to reach Mozart's level of mastery, you may relate to his need to break free from convention. Maybe you feel as if your job is like painting by numbers. Maybe you've done everything right - excelled at school, worked hard, and landed a good, high-paying job - but you're tired of being just like everyone else. Maybe you yearn to achieve something that is unmistakably you.

    Continued here

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