Thursday 18th April 2024

    The Importance of Working With "A" Players

    Stop me if this sounds familiar. There is a person who toils alone for years in relative obscurity before finally cracking the code to become a hero. The myth of the lone genius. It's the stuff of Disney movies.

    Of course, we all have moments when we're alone and something suddenly clicks. We'd do well to remember, though, that in those moments, we are not as independent as we like to think. The people we surround ourselves with matter.

    In part, because we tell ourselves the story of the lone genius, we under-appreciate the role of a team. Sure, the individual matters, no doubt. However, the individual contributions are supercharged by the team around them.

    We operate in a world where it's nearly impossible to accomplish anything great as an individual. When you think about it, you're the product of an education system, a healthcare system, luck, roads, the internet and so much more. You may be smart but you're not self-made. And at work, most important achievements require a team of people working together.

    Continued here

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